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Process & Guarantees


Make payment and receive a confirmation voucher from us. 
Once payment has been made and we have received the proof of payment, we will forward the confirmation voucher. The voucher confirms your right to travel to selected lodge/hotel on the dates displayed on the confirmation

Selection and Purchase Process 


Select your lodge/hotel from the list on the front page.
By clicking on the More Info link on each property you will see each property's own page with images and information in order to assist you in your selection of voucher purchase


Click "Enquire Now" and send us the request for the number of nights  
On each property's page below the rates their is an "Enquire Now" link. This link will divert you to a reservatio request form which needs to be completed and sent to us. This form does not commit you to a purchase, it is merely a notification of interest to us.


Receive a provisional voucher from from us with payment details.
Within 12 hours of receiving your reservation request form we will respond with a provisional voucher and supply you with payment details. Each provisional voucher will have the direct contact details of the lodge/hotel selected should you wish to verify the authenticity of the voucher. 


Siza Safari is a collaborative effort between us and each lodge/hotel featured on this site
Each and every rate offered on this site is done so with the explicit knowledge and buy in of every lodge/hotel appearing on the site. Every one of them is committed to the underlying ethos of this site and its efforts to preserve jobs and ensure the well being of the wildlife and conservation efforts in their areas. 
Each provisional voucher contains the direct contact details of the specific lodge/hotel that the voucher applies to, allowing for simple verification of the authenticity of the voucher and the credentials of Siza Safari. 

What Is Siza Safari?

Siza Safari stems from some very concerned people in the southern African tourism industry wanting to assist accommodation providers and their staff during these very difficult times brought on by the Covid 19 pandemic.

With a complete lock down in the short term, severe long term travel restrictions and possible reticence by people to travel even after receiving official sanction to do so, accommodation providers in our region are faced with severe cash flow shortages. These shortages in turn result in the many of thousands of people employed within the accommodation sector facing the very real possibility of becoming unemployed. In the rural areas where most lodges are situated each staff member often supports up to 10 dependents. Without an income these people may have to rely on bush meat sourced through poaching in order to feed their families. Job losses therefore can realistically be expected to have serious ramifications for both people and wildlife and conservation.

While we have every faith in the establishments that we have partnered with surviving these turbulent times, the cost for their staff may be too high. These establishments all have a wonderful offering, a great product and their rooms and experiences are in a class of their own.

With the relaxing of international restrictions and the opening of all the accommodation establishments, the properties on our site are no longer offering vouchers, but as a result of the tremendous support that they have had from the local market are wanting to reward the loyalty of the South Africans that supported them by offering fantastic Southern African residents' (SADC) rates. These rates are featured on our side and can be booked via Siza Safari.
We look forward to hearing from you.



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120 Bayhill Drive

White River Country Estate

White River


South Africa

+27 82 461 4697


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